The DoItDigital Queue System is a powerful and efficient solution designed to manage player connections to your FiveM server. This system ensures a smooth and organized process, providing a seamless experience for both players and server administrators. Its is the only fivem queue script you will ever need!
✅ Live Queue Management
Real-Time Updates: Monitor and manage the queue in real-time with live updates. ( kick player from queue, one click to let player skip queue and join etc )
✅ Change Server Slots Live
✅ Priority Levels: Assign different priority levels (god, gold, silver, bronze) to players, determining their position in the queue. Higher priority players can connect faster.
✅ Queue Skipping: Allow certain players to skip the queue entirely based on their priority level.
✅ Grace Timer: Players who disconnect can rejoin without waiting in the queue if they reconnect within a specified grace period.
✅ Random Messages: Display engaging and informative messages to players while they wait in the queue.
✅ Queue Management Commands: Use console commands to manage the queue, including adding/removing priority, setting slots, and kicking players from the queue.
✅ Discord Integration: Log queue-related actions to a Discord webhook for easy monitoring and management.
✅ Dynamic Queue Display: Optionally display the current queue size in the server project name for transparency.
✅Server Priority Lock : Lock server for X minutes after restart and allow only players with priority to join
——-Queue Commands——-
🔹 /q_addpriority <steamid or id> <days> <type>
Example : /q_addpriority steam:1100001000b3a70 30 god
Example2 : /q_addpriority 2 30 god ( player must be online to use id)
This Will Add 30 Days Of God Priority To Player With SteamID steam:1100001000b3a70
🔹 /q_removepriority <steamid or id>
Example : /q_removepriority steam:1100001000b3a70
Example2 : /q_removepriority 2 ( player must be online to use id)
This Will Remove All Priority From Player With SteamID steam:1100001000b3a70
🔹 /q_setslots <slots>
Example : /q_setslots 100
This Change The Server Slots To 100 Without Restarting The Server
🔹 /q_checkqueue
This Will Show You The Total Amount Of Players In Queue
🔹 /q_addGrace <steamid or id>
This will make the player skip the queue and connect to server ( one time only)
🔹 /q_kick <steamid or id>
This will kick the player from the current queue
🔹 /q_openmenu
Opens live queue management ui
——-Server Side Exports——-
🔹 1. setSlots(slots)
– Description: Sets the maximum number of slots available on the server.
– Parameters:
– slots (number): The number of slots to set.
– Returns:
– (boolean): Returns true if the slots were successfully set, false otherwise.
– Usage Example:
🔹 2. addpriority(steamID, days, type) (instead of steamID you can use the id of the player if online)
– Description: Adds priority to a player for a specified number of days.
– Parameters:
– steamID (string): The Steam identifier of the player.
– days (number): The number of days to give priority.
– type (string): The type of priority to give.
– Returns:
– (boolean): Returns true if the priority was successfully added, false otherwise.
– Usage Example:
exports[“DoItDigital_queue”]:addpriority(“steam:110000112345678”, 30, “vip”)
🔹 3. removepriority(steamID) (instead of steamID you can use the id of the player if online)
– Description: Removes priority from a player.
– Parameters:
– steamID (string): The Steam identifier of the player.
– Returns:
– (boolean): Returns true if the priority was successfully removed, false otherwise.
– Usage Example:
🔹 4. getQueueAmount()
– Description: Gets the current number of players in the queue.
– Returns:
– (number): The number of players currently in the queue.
– Usage Example:
local queueAmount = exports[“DoItDigital_queue”]:getQueueAmount()
🔹 5. hasPriority(identifier)
– Description: Checks if a player has priority.
– Parameters:
– identifier (string): The identifier of the player.
– Returns:
– (boolean): Returns true if the player has linecutter priority, false otherwise.
– Usage Example:
local hasPriority = exports[“DoItDigital_queue”]:hasPriority(“steam:110000112345678”)
Download the Script: Purchase and download the script from the Tebex store.
Extract the Files: Extract the downloaded files to your FiveM server’s resource directory.
Configure the Script: Edit the s_config.lua file to customize the script settings.
Start the Resource: Add start queue to your server’s server.cfg file.
Restart the Server: Restart your FiveM server to apply the changes.
*Script is ultra optimized (0.0ms) and tested in servers with more than 100 players queue
*It uses the official CFX escrow encryption